CMaps Analytics new custom element for Webi Intelligence allows you to embed interactive maps right inside of your report canvas and transform report parts into geo mapping visualizations just like any other chart!
Create your First Map
STEP 1: With the Webi Report in Design mode, go to the “Chart” ribbon, click on “More”
STEP 2: Click on “All Charts”
STEP 3: Select the CMaps Analytics chart. Though we recommend using CMaps Analytics, your admin can change the category.
DON’T SEE CMAPS?: Please review the administrator guide
STEP 4: In the Webi Canvas, move your mouse to the location where you want to place your map:
STEP 5: Select the data fields to populate the map.
Locations: Locations can be represented as a  comma separated latitude,longitude, address, or any other geographic locations that you would like to display as pins, regions, or other layer types.
If your report has Latitude and Longitude in different fields, you can use a custom variable to concatenate them.
Labels: Labels are displayed on the map when you select a pin or region.
Values: Values are numeric measures, utilized for the analysis and visualization options available in CMaps Analytics. You will bind this to a measure column.
Colors:Â Color codes to dynamically using color codes. Example: #00FFF
More Tutorials
Here are more tutorials to use the CMaps Analytics element to achieve different visualization and analysis results. Also if you have a question, feel free to submit to our forum and we will look to your questions to create more tutorials.
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