Install Guide- CMaps Analytics Custom Element for Webi

RequirementsWhere to DownloadInstall VideoInstall CMapsAnalytics.WAR on Tomcat ServerEnable Interactive and Printable Maps in CMCConfirm CMaps Analytics Install SuccessAprove DomainsUpgrade CMaps Analytics ComponentSide by Side InstallUn-InstallTroubleshootingAdmin FAQ

OS and Application Server Requirements:

CMaps Analytics Extension for Webi is deployed as a WAR file to your application server.

OS Support: Windows or Linux
Application Server Support: Tomcat server V7 & V8
Future application support planned: Netweaver, Webshpere
SAP BusinessObjects version support: BI4.2 SP03 and higher

Where to Download CMaps Analytics Custom Element Service

You can download the custom element service from our extensions download page. You are required to log into CMapsConnect and have a valid CMaps Analytics API / or Designer account.

Don’t have an account? Sign up for FREE

Webi Install Video

Intro Video

CMaps Custom Element WAR Install Instructions

CMaps Analytics element, and soon Webi extension can be deployed from a WAR file, hosted on your SAP BusinessObjects server. This WAR file contains the service which will load assets into Webi. This service is stateless and will not consume any system resources.

Step 1: Get the extension installer from the CMaps Extension download page.

Step 2 Have your server administrator unzip the file and copy / paste “cmapsanalytics.war” to your app server. For example if you have SAP BusinessObjects installed on Windows, you would place the cmapsanalytics.war in this folder:

Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\webapps\cmapsanalytics.war

When you copy the cmapsanalytics.war file to tomcat, it will automatically create a folder cmapsanalytics. The cmapsanalytics app has a lightweight footprint and contains the assets (javascript, css) needed to render maps and contains JSON configuration files that Webi.

Step 3 With cmapsanalytics web app installed, open a web browser and enter the URL to your server where cmapsanalytics.war is installed.
For example if your BusinessObjects server is, then your CMaps Analytics URL would be:

You should get a screen that looks like the following URL this which will guide you through the remainder of the install process in the CMC, which is also explained in the next tab.



Enable Printable Maps

As of 6/6/2018, there is no additional configuration steps required to enable printable maps.

Confirm Your CMaps Analytics Install

Your extension is now installed and almost ready for use! Let’s make sure it appears in your list of visualizations.

Step 1. Open a new Webi document

Step 2. Add a new Chart by clicking More>All Charts


Step 3. In the list you should see CMaps Analytics (or what ever name was assigned during install like Advanced Maps).  If you do not see the CMaps Analytics element in your list, you can review the Troubleshooting guide for more recommendations or contact our support team at


NOTE: If you want to test the map end to end, make sure you first review the additional setup steps to Approve your domains for access to Google Maps.

Whitelist Domains for Access to Google Maps


After installing CMaps Analytics Extension you will also need to approve your domain for use with Google Maps. This is an additional security measure required by Google to protect un-authorized use of your maps license or authentication keys with Google Maps. The domain / or IP address you use to BI LaunchPad is what you will capture and submit to Centigon Support or to and our staff will add your domain.

Approve your Domains

Oops! We could not locate your form.

NOTE: This process does not grant access or permit any outside services to access your secured server. When your browser requests map tiles from Google in the header is an origin. This process simply indicates that the origin is allowed to request map tiles. More details about CMaps Analytics security are covered in our security and privacy center

Approve Dev, and Prod Domains

Make sure you include dev and production domains. If you are evaluating CMaps Analytics, you can always add your production servers later.

Start Building Maps

Your all done! No more configuration or install steps to worry about. When you are ready to upgrade CMaps Analytics, the process is only 5 steps.

The following Tutorial covers using CMaps Analytics in more detail. View Getting Started Tutorial

Upgrade CMaps Analytics WAR

To upgrade CMaps Analytics Webi element you will uninstall the WAR from Tomcat (by deleting it) and install the latest WAR (copy WAR into your webapps folder). No other configurations are required.

Step 1. When a new release or hotfix release is avaialble, download it from CMaps Analytics extensions page and unzip it so you have a new copy of cmapsanalytcs.war

Step 2. Go to your Tomcat server where the CMaps Analytics WAR is installed

Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\webapps\cmapsanalytics.war

Step 3. Make a copy of the existing cmapsanalytics.war

Copy the file from your Tomcat webapps folder into another safe folder so you have a backup copy.

Step 4. Uninstall the current version of cmapsanalytics.war by deleting it from your tomcat\webapps folder. Wait a few moments to make sure the cmapsanalytics folder is automatically removed.

Step 5. Copy the new cmapsanalytics.war file downloaded and unzipped from CMaps Analytics extensions page into your tomcat\webapps folder.

That is it! No more steps required. If you have an existing session of SAP BusinessObjects in your browser you will need to logout and login which will clear your browser cache. When you open a report containing CMaps Analytics you should have a new version of CMaps Analytics running with new features avaialble.

Side by Side Install for validation and testing new CMaps Analytics

In the event you want to have multiple versions of CMaps Analytics run side by side, you can configure CMaps Analytics. The following is the process our team users for validation testing. When you use a map inside of Webi, it uses the “service name”

Step 1. Change the name of cmapsanalytics.war. Typically we will use a date like cmapsanalytics_validation.war

Step 2. Copy the new cmapsanalytics_validation.war to your tomcat folder. Now it is installed side by side.

Step 3: Log into the SAP BusinessObjects CMC

Step 4: Select “Applications” from the CMC dropdown and then double click on “Webi”


Step 5: Right click and select “Custom Elements” from the menu or double click and select Custom Elements

Step 6: Go to the previous install of CMaps Analytics and clock on the “Configure” button

Step 7: Copy the Service URL and close the window

Step 8: Click “Add Service” button

Step 9: Paste the Service URL. Change the first part of the URL to reflect your new WAR “cmapsanalytics_validation”

Step 10: Name your Service (it can be anything you like). We use the build number internally but you can use a date or simply call it “CMaps Analytics Validation”

Step 10: Click Test. You should see a “Test was successful”.

Step 11: Select text/html for interactive maps. image/png is for printable maps which is covered in step 11.

Step 12: Click  OK

Step 13: Check the box next to the newly installed custom element to enable it.

NOTE: Do not forget to check the box next to your element before saving. 


Step 14 Click Save and Close

That’s it! Now you will have 2 versions of CMaps Analytics installed side by side so you can test.

Disable an Element

Step 1: Log into the SAP BusinessObjects CMC

Step 2: Select “Applications” from the CMC dropdown and then double click on “Webi”


Step 3: Right click and select “Custom Elements” from the menu


Step 4: Uncheck the extension to hide it from users:





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