The latest HANA releases provide exciting new spatial functions that further expand the span of capabilities, along with an important announcement that SAP HANA is on a path to become an
OGC compliant DB.
If your organization is trying to figure out how to harness all of this new innovation and deliver
strategic spatial analytics, OR if you are a developer trying to move beyond putting a point or polygon on a map, this article is for you!
CMaps Analytics is a solution that was designed to remove barriers for getting geospatial visualization, analysis, and productivity into the hands of business users.
CMaps Analytics modern suite provides the perfect delivery vehicle for presenting geographic information inside of busienss apps, or embedding spatial analytics into standard business processes.
Here are 5 reasons why CMaps Analytics could be a slam dunk to jumpstart your first HANA and SAPUI5 spatial enabled app.
1. Let us help you make HANA Spatial a strategic advantage for your enterprise:
If you have HANA spatial and are not sure how to take advantage, let us come in and help you define your strategic spatial goals, and start transforming the mountains of data flowing through your HANA platform into powerful solutions, using our “Mapify your KPI” blue print. Spatial is more than putting your people, assets, and events on a map… It is about understanding the proximity, distance, time, and cost impact for how these these things have on each other in daily business tasks.
2. Business users want Google Maps
You made a serious investment in SAP’s In-Memory database… Why sacrifice user experience? Start out on the right foot by putting the same maps services used by more than 1 BILLION users per month! While CMaps Analytics integrates with a number of maps vendors including Google Maps, MapBox, ESRI, and CartoDB, we use Google Maps as our base because there is a level of trust and maturity, and mountains built-in services like street view, routing, traffic, search, and high resolution aerial photography with global coverage. You take them for granted on your iPhone, but your users will quickly notice if they are missing in your basic map.
The best part of CMaps Analytics is the ability to use all of this functionality at a fraction of the cost, because Google Maps Premium is included. Think of CMaps Analytics as the ultimate point and click designer and delivery platform for Google Maps for Work.
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3. Create Powerful Spatial Analytics with or without GIS
Combining ESRI with SAP HANA does create some very exciting possibilities for tackling bigger, more data intensive problems. However, you do not need ESRI to take advantage of HANA Spatial. That is where CMaps Analytics comes in so you can rapidly design (code free), integrate, and iterate to deliver your ultimate geospatial experience into a HANA powered app. Then for data that exists in your ESRI system, CMaps Analytics
includes 3 ESRI Layers connectors, so you can still leverage ESRI investment and skills.
We are already working ahead with the next generation of GIS leaders with native integrations with

4. Use CMaps Analytics with SAP UI5
CMaps Analytics templates can be embedded and integrated into any HTML5 platform, even
SAP BusinessObjects. If you use SAPUI5 for delivering your end-user experience, you can harness
CMaps Analytics for SAPUI5 to create a seamless, simplified integration.
LEARN MORE. Integrating a CMaps Analytics template is just like any other component.
5. Maps as a Location Analytics delivery vehicle, NOT another chart or input control.
CMaps Analytics provides features for visualization and engagement (over 18 different types and 200+ configurable properties), that brings your HANA spatial analysis to life. Ask questions of your data previously reserved for GIS Analysts, using geography and interactivity.
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