Default Map Style (deprecated with CMaps Plugin) Select the default map style that end users will see when the map is initialized. Map Imagery Style- Added to CMaps Plugin 4.1.5 and…
Disable UAC To install any add-on component into Xcelsius 2008 through the add-on manager, first you will need to disable UAC for Windows Vista and Windows 7. Disable UAC on…
THIS FEATURE WAS DEPRECATED WITH GMAPS PLUGIN. Replacement Property is Map Imagery Style (introduced with CMaps Plugin 4.1.5) Custom map theme name is required to use custom themes. Binding your own…
What is WMS? WMS, or Web Map Service, is a standard protocol for serving geospatial images from a central WMS server. These images, commonly referred to as map tiles, can then…
Choosing a Sort Type for Ascending and Descending Order Download Tutorial Source Files Dynamic Sort 2.0 enables Dynamic Control over sort type for each defined Sort by Column. Using specific…
Advanced Web Service Options: The advanced web service options are designed to give developers flexibility and control over the parameter values that are passed to their custom export service during…
Data Rebuild Options-Data rebuild options provide an extra level of control by seperating connection refresh options from additional filtering and aggregation functionality, further eliminating redundant data refreshing. Rebuild when Filters…
The following describe how to use Centigon Solutions Batch Geocode manager PREPARING YOUR DATA The batch geocoder requires 1 row of headers and use standard names for the headers (not…
Are you trying to install a trial version? CLICK HERE More Resources View Jumpstart Videos- Visit our learning center to watch jumpstart videos and best practices documents. Visit the Learning Center
As Filtered Summary inserts data into the destination range, dashboard developers often desire the total values for various business uses. Rather than relying on Excel logic, Filtered Summary will automatically…