Now, CMaps Region generator will output a new CSV file format for Tableau.

This file supports regions and subregions (locations with islands), making it easier than ever to incorporate your custom regions into Tableau.

Simply, load the CMaps Region Generator extension, follow the 5 steps and output your custom regions..


Now, with your Tableau-optimized boundary data, you can import, join and display your custom regions instantly.



STEP 1: Get the CSV file with a prefix “tableau” from CMaps Region Generator output. Here is a screenshot what the data looks like.


STEP 2: Drag Longitude as the Columns and Latitude as the Rows


STEP 3: Add Polygon and Sub Polygon fields and make sure they are set as dimensions.


STEP 4: Drag the Point ID into the “Path” box. Otherwise your polygons will not draw correctly in the map.


STEP 4: Drag your region so you can view the region name when you mouse over.

STEP 5: Set the marks as a Polygon
