Developer Forums – Now Available Our new developer forums, offer a StackExchange style Q&A format, allowing CMaps Analytics developers to actively monitor and share knowledge with our partners and developers. While our traditional enterprise extension customers can continue to open cases, this scenrio / context specific code sharing approach is proven and effective. As you explore CMaps Analytics, get quick feedback and useful code examples. Capture  

CMaps Analytics CodePen – Coming Soon

Paired with our new forums, CMaps Analytics CodePen will ensure developers can quickly test, experiment and learn how to create geospatial experiences by example with CMaps Analytics JS API.

Example: Clustering by Distance


New JS Docs

We have updated our JS Docs process to ensure the speed of documentation matches the rapid pace of development that our partners and customers are pushing. Now, you can access the same JS Documentation our own team uses.  

GITHub Repositories – OpenSource

Our team at CMaps Analytics has worked through third party partners to co-design open source solutions like our CMaps Region Generator. We have a number of tools created which we are looking to move into our own OpenSource GITHub repository so other partners and customers can benefit and contribute back. Look out for additional posts on our OpenSource efforts. ]]>