When creating a new series, you can define one of multiple series types, which control how the layer appears on a map. This tutorial explains all of the series types and what kind if data you will need within your dashboard to properly configure the map layer.
CRITICAL NOTE: It is very important to understand how to use the Map Overlay Data property for each data type differs to avoid getting un-desirable results or performance.
Address Data / Latitude Longitude
Associate multiple geographical data points for a single series within the Google Map interface. The information can be entered as a [Latitude, Longitude] value or as a standard city, state address value.
VISUALIZING ADDRESS / LAT,LONG DATA: Address data and latitude/longitude data is represented visually as points on a map. Using CMaps Plugin / GMaps Plugin styles, you can visualize points in as icons, labels, and density maps, and even custom icons.
NOTE: To ensure maximum performance while in design mode, CMaps Plugin and GMaps Plugin will not display shapes or lines after binding the address data.
CMaps Plugin & GMaps Plugin can interpret and render data using latitude/longitude data as comma separated strings. When using Lat,Long values as Map Overlay Data, the componennt will instantly render the data within the Google Map interface instantly. This format is preferred for larger data ranges over 100 to ensure maximum performance.
NOTE- When defining latitude/longitude pairs, you will need to format it into a single column with a comma separator. If your data source returns latitude and longitude in separate columns, you will need to concatenate them in an adjacent cell before linking them to the Map Overlay Data property.
Geocoding Addresses
CMaps Analytics for SAP Dashboards (CMaps Plugin): CMaps Plugin uses the TomTom global geocoder to convert addresses and common administrative areas to latitude/longitude automatically. To ensure optimal accuracy and performance, you will want to include country codes in your request.
Because CMaps Plugin employs a free-form geocoder you want to ensure you use an ISO-3 country code.
Correct Example: California, USA
Incorrect Example: California, US
View ISO Codes and other best practices for Geocode Performance
Other Geocoding Articles and Resources
GMaps Plugin Geocoding Notes:: GMaps Plugin can leverage the powerful Google Maps geocode service to convert addresses you supply to latitude,longitude. In less than 100ms (250ms for GMaps Plugin trial which uses the free Google Maps API), Google Maps geocode service can transform each address data point. Address data can be formatted as the following while still retaining
“Address, city, state� Example: 6440 Lusk blvd., San Diego, CA
“Address, city, ZIP� Example 6440 Lusk blvd. 92121
“Country” Example: US
“State” Example: California
“Zip” Example: 92121
To ensure the best possible accuracy when geocoding:
- Specify addresses in accordance with the format used by the national postal service of the country concerned.
- Do not specify additional address elements such as business names, unit numbers, floor numbers, or suite numbers that are not included in the address as defined by the postal service of the country concerned.
- Use the street number of a premise in preference to the building name where possible.
- Use street number addressing in preference to specifying cross streets where possible.
- Do NOT provide ‘hints’ such as nearby landmarks.
NOTE- Not all countries are supported for geo-coding service. The following spreadsheet provides detailed information for what regions are supported:Â View Supported Regions
NOTE- The Google Maps geocode service will evaluate your data and attempt to find the most accurate conversion. For example, state abbreviations could potentially conflict with country codes, so the country may need to be included in the address.
Shape Data
CMaps Plugin and GMaps Plugin shape data options enable additional methods for importing and displaying both polygons (shapes) and lines. Each option uses the Map Data Overlay property differently to reduce property sheet complexity while ensuring the most robust development methods.
[ezcol_1half]POLYGONS:Â A polygon is an enclosed shape. These enclosed shapes can represent common administrative areas like zipcode and state, or custom regions/territories.
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]POLYLINES:Â A polyline is a line segment drawn between multiple points. A polyline can represent roads, powerlines, pipeline, or simple visuals like hub & spoke diagrams.
[/ezcol_1half_end]Shape (.SHP) File
View Shapefile best practices, resources, and tutorials
CMaps Plugin and GMaps Plugin supports direct connectivity to shape files .SHP which provides significant performance increase for rendering detailed polygon shapes, thematic maps, or routes on top of a map. The Address Data property will be bound to a single cell containing a URL. The URL will point directly to a .SHP file containing data for the shape(s).
IMPORTANT NOTES: When using a SHP file for shape data a single series can only contain a single URL within the Map Overlay Data property. You can NOT be use multiple SHP file URLs. There should be a 1-1 relationship between series and .SHP file URLs.
TIP: Not all web servers will support .SHP as a filetype. The .SHP extension can be modified to “.TXT” which can also be referenced by GMaps Plugin.
CSV File with Lat,Long
When polygon data originates in a latitude/longitude format, you can store the data within a CSV file. The resulting performance gain enables CMaps Plugin and GMaps Plugin to consume and display up to three times the data volume compared to storing data within the dashboard SWF file. The Map Data Overlay property will be bound to a single cell containing a URL. The URL will point directly to a CSV file containing Lat,Long data for each shape or route.
The Map Data Overlay property should be linked to a single URL. The URL will point directly to a CSV file containing Lat,Long data for each shape or route.
Example:Â http://yourserver/shapefile.csv
IMPORTANT NOTE: When using the CSV file for shape data, a single series can only contain a single URL within the Map Overlay Data property. You can NOT be use multiple CSV file URLs. There should be a 1-1 relationship between series and CSV file URLs.
Latitude/Longitude Source Data (Excel)
CMaps Plugin and GMaps Plugin can utilize latitude,longitude or address data within within the SAP Dashboards app to draw shapes and lines on the map during SWF runtime. When binding the Map Overlay Data property, select a single column containing the data required to draw shapes, where each cell in the column is a data point.To draw multiple shapes in a single series, insert a line break between all shape definitions.
TIP: Use Latitude/Longitude values rather than addresses to define polygon shapes within CMaps Plugin and GMaps Plugin for optimal performance.
NOTE- When defining latitude/longitude pairs, you will need to format it into a single column with a comma separator. If your data source returns latitude and longitude in separate columns, you will need to concatenate them in an adjacent cell before linking them to the Map Overlay Data property.