Export Type: HTML

CMaps Analytics HTML Export

HTML includes the basic elements required to load a CMaps Analytics view. The following are included:

JQuery – 1.8.3 and higher.

CMaps Analytics API: ap1.cmapsanalytics.net/mapview?version=[version number]

Map Configuration (MapCfg variable): This holds the CMaps Analytics properties. As you make changes to properties in CMaps Analytics Designer. The contents of this variable are the CMaps Analytics Template (XML)

JavaScrtipt Function buildMap(): This function builds the map based on the MapCfg contents, loads the Google Maps API and builds itself.

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Adding Live Data to your HTML View with JavaScript

If you are integrating CMaps Analytics views into your own application, the next step is to connect data to the map view. This is where the CMaps Analytics API can deliver all of the data features you need. Please review Code Examples to see how you can utilize JavaScript to integrate HTML CMaps Analytics visualizations into your app.

Adding Additional Functions From Designer (Advanced Features)

From CMaps Analytics Designer, you can add additional functions into your map view without writing any code. Simply go to the “Advanced” tab for the map view, and explore additional functions.