Export Type: Template (XML)

CMaps Analytics View Templates

The output of CMaps Analytics Designer is a template that can be used with CMaps Analytics API, with CMaps Analytics Extensions, or used as your project file. This single file is an important building block for your CMaps Analytics solution, and is designed to be highly portable and performant.


Every property in the template file is available and accessible via CMaps Analytics JS API.

The CMaps Analytics Templates are generated and imported to and from CMaps Analytics Designer. The goal of using CMaps Analytics templates is to alleviate all of the common design and repetitive development tasks. The result is a decrease in development time, code to manage, and improve lifecycle management.

How to Import an XML Configuration File


The XML Configuration file behaves as a project file that you can  re-import back into CMaps Analytics Designer anytime.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is important that you keep this project file handy, so you can utilize it to make changes to your map as business / technical requirements change.