Control Map Series Dynamic Visibility

Series visibility

Series Visibility provides control to display or hide each individual series during runtime. Series visibility leverages a dynamic key/status value pair to independently control each series’ visibility on the map. When the Status equals the Key, the the series will display in the map. When the status equals anything other than the key the series will disappear.

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Status– Bind the status to a single cell. If the value in the Status cell equals the value of the Key, the component will appear. Each series can utilize a unique status cell.

Key– Bind the key value to a cell. The Status cell must equal the Key cell if the series is to be visible.

Note-When you set series visibility, if the status does NOT equal the key during design time, it will not display in the map even when clicking on the refresh button.

Typical Use Cases:

  1. Creating drill paths from region, to state, to county requires a unique series for each data type. As a user clicks on a region or selects other filter criteria in a dashboard, series visibility provides the mechanism for showing or hiding a series based on any criteria (selection, zoom level, values, etc).
  2. When a single map has different views, series visibility can be utilized rather than inserting multiple maps into a dashboard. For example a single map could show sales by store, and then show top 100 customers. These two views are un-related, but could be toggled within the same map.
  3. Turning on/off layers within the map for end users is a common map visualization technique where a control panel with checkboxes allows an end user to analyze and “mashup� different data sources with a common geographic dimension.

Map visibility

Map visibility will control when the entire map is visible to end users.

Status– Bind the status to a single cell. If the value in the Status cell equals the value of the Key, the component will appear. Each series can utilize a unique status cell.

Key– Bind the key value to a cell. The Status cell must equal the Key cell if the series is to be visible.