BOE Repository and Security

CMaps Analytics (formerly GMaps Mobile ) provides direct connectivity to basic Web Intelligence document report parts. Before connecting to any reports, you must define an SAP BusinessObjects Repository.

Supported Versions of BusinessObjects
Currently CMaps Analytics will only support versions of Web Intelligence that ship with SAP BusinessObjects 4.0 and higher.

Note: The following tutorial assumes you have successfully installed CMaps Analytics Connect or GMaps Mobile Connect

Creating a Repository

1. Login to CMaps Analytics App

2. Press “Repositories”

3. In the upper right press “Create”

4. Press SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise as the repository type.

5. Enter the BusinessObjects System (CMC Name)

6. Select the Authentication Type

7. Enter the username and password

Sharing a Repository

A repository can be shared with all CMaps Analytics users within your organization. This is an important time saver for users who may want to use layers that originate from SAP BusinessObjects but are not comfortable setting up a brand new repository. When a new user gains access to a repository, they will need to enter their credentials so they can access content originating from BusinessObjects Enterprise. 

Editing a Repository

 Editing a repository is easily achieved by selecting the edit icon, while in the repositories window. 

8. Press Test Connection

Login Screen for Test Connection

Removing or Editing Your Login Credentials

Each user will need to enter their own credentials to access content originating from BusinessObjects enterprise.1. Press “Repositories”

2. In the Repositories tab, Press User Credentials

3. Press your SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository that you would like to edit or removes

4. Select the Authentication Type

5. Enter the username and password

6. Press Test Connection


Additional Web Intelligence feature support: If you have additional Web Intelligence features that you would like to see supported, please contact