Connect Portal for SAP Dashboards (Xcelsius) This is our new home and hub for all things SAP Dashboards. This page pulls together accumulated resources, articles, experiments and knowledge for our SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards and Xcelsius integrations. [ezcol_1third]
Dashboard Design Strategy
PEOPLE Dashboards don’t kill dashboard projects, People do! PROCESS TECHNOLOGY: SAP Dashboards Best Practices SAP Dashboards for Mobile Best Practices The Xcelsius Learning Curve Illustrated DESIGN Xcelsius Color Schemes
Create your first map
Creating and combining layers
Getting Started with GMaps Plugin
Shapefiles quickstart video

Mobile Deployment
Preparing to mobilize your CMaps Plugin enabled dashboard CMaps Plugin Mobile PropertiesGetting Started with SAP Dashboards
How to Fix a Corrupt Xcelsius Dashboard project Troubleshooting Tips for Xcelsius: Using Snapshot Troubleshooting non-clickable components during refreshBasic Features
SAP Dashboards Column Insertion to Change MeasuresConnectivity
Flash Variables in XcelsiusXcelsius Features and Workarounds
Xcelsius Formulas: Calculating Current Quarter Xcelsius Graph Drilldown Merging Xcelsius Projects Xcelsius Manual Reset Workaround Changing Xcelsius chart suffixesFeatured Partner Solutions