SAP Dashboards SP05 without HTML5 SDK, what does that mean?

Last week, SAP released SAP Dashboards SP05 which includes exciting new mobile export capabilities. Unfortunately, while all of our plugins will work perfectly with SP05, there was no HTML5 SDK released by SAP.

For Centigon Solutions we began our HTML5 transition for GMaps Plugin in 2010 so we are well versed and prepared as things progress forward. From what I heard, SAP may have even shown a Centigon GMaps HTML5 prototype embedded in SAP Dashboards at the Sapphire Madrid 2012.

All we can say at this point is we are working forward to ensure that the architecture decisions we make for our HTML5 based mapping solution, GMaps Mobile, will allow content built with GMaps Plugin to port forward. Assuming SAP releases an SDK sometime next year we will have a plan in place for our customers.

For questions about licensing or pricing for mobile, please contact our team directly.