CMaps Analytics for Lumira FAQ

CMaps Analytics for Lumira FAQ

What is included with purchase?

1 User / Lumira Install

CMaps Analytics User licenses allow 1 install of SAP BusinessObjects Lumira on a desktop PC only. Virtual server distribution and server installs are not supported under this license and will require a bundle or enterprise license.

Enterprise License

An enterprise license supports publishing Lumira views to SAP BusinessObjects server, which requires the extension to be installed on the server. View BOE Admin Guide for more information

1 User Login to CMaps Designer

A single user is granted access for Lumira Desktop only. Additionally, you gain a single developer license for CMaps Designer which allows you to take map templates built for Lumira and re-use in other apps like SAP UI5 or Web Intelligence

Essential Maps Extension Pack


Geocoding Included

CMaps Analytics includes geocoding from Google from country, down to street addresss.

Premium Layers

Premium layers like Google Places, Drive Distance polygons, and drive time calculations are included.

Access to CMaps APIs

With all CMaps Designer licenses comes developer support for CMaps Analytics APIs. Distribution of CMaps Analytics apps outside of Lumira are not supported with standard Lumira user license.

Mobile Support

Unfortunately SAP does not support mobile distribution of extensions in SAP Mobile BI app. It goes without saying this is the most requested feature and one we would intend to support immediately should SAP make this ability possible.


CMaps Analytics is not currently optimized for print due to our use of our HTML5 / Canvas data rendering which is favors squeezing as much performance out of the browser as possible. We do have future plans to improve printing support.

Do I need external software licenses from Google?

No. CMaps Analytics is all-inclusive and includes Google Maps Premium. Enterprise licenses will permit organizations with existing investments in Google Maps Premium to use their API keys.

CMaps Analytics does NOT use the free Google Maps API. It is not supported for enterprise use and you should avoid using any products that use the Google Maps API. Article: Are you at risk abusing Google Maps API terms of use?


Do I have to use CMaps Analytics Designer? – No CMaps Analytics essentials extensions are avaialble on our extensions portal with a single click download: (requires login

Geocoding: Does any of my data go to the cloud? –When you use CMaps Analytics, any data that is not converted to Latitude / Longitude is geocoded in real-time. We have designed our geocode service to batch geocode common geographies and aliases (united states, united states of america, USA, etc) quickly. No data
