CMaps Analytics for Lumira is a cloud-based designer / toolkit for creating a wide range of new mapping capabilities for Lumira. From CMaps Designer, you can export Lumira extensions. Learn More
This following guide for Lumira desktop users, and explains how to configure CMaps extension downloaded from CMaps Analytics Designer
Download and Install
[post-content id=4818]Data Preparation
Lat Long:
If you already have your data pre geocoded, you can load those points on the map. If your latitude and longitude values are in 2 different columns, you will need to concatenate them into a single column.
From the preparation tab, click on “New Calculated Dimension”
Step 1. Drag that latitude data object into the Formula text box,
Step 2. Type +”,”+ which will insert a comma in between the lat,long
Step 3. Drag the longitude object into the Formula text box.
Step 4. Press OK
Now, you have a latitude,longitude column which can be added as a Location property.
Address and city geocoding is limited to 1000 unique points per visualization. Administrative geocoding for zip, county, state, state/province, and country are capped at 4000 locations per visualization to cover common geographies like postal code / state and US counties.
If you are geocoding addresses or zips, it is highly recommended to include as much detail as possible to ensure accuracy. Typically you want to try to include the next value up in a geographic hierarchy.. For example, if you want to plot a county, including the state also will ensure accuracy.
To do this, you can create a new calculated dimension and include both geographies into 1 field using the following steps:
Step 1. Create a new Calculated Dimension
Step 2. Drag the geographic dimension into the Formula text box.
Step 3. Type +”,”+ which will insert a comma in between the lat,long
Step 4. Drag a second geographic dimension into the Formula text box.
The labels from the label property support HTML. As such, you can custom format any kind of label with images, links, multiple dimensions, measures, or any other data.
Visualize: Binding Properties
CMaps Analytics currently offers 3 data properties for linking data.
Value / Measure
A single measure can be utilized for a number of data visualization options including but not limited to:
- Dynamic Icon Sizing
- Choropleths / Heatmaps
- Alerts
- Cluster / Aggregation
Location or Lat,Long
A single dimension will dictate what location is rendered on the map. Unlike standard Lumira maps, CMaps Analytics does not provide any limitations on geographies. This can be a latitude,longitude, location name or a combination.
Depending on the CMaps Analytics template style, entering a dimension will result in CMaps Analytics drawing points, shapes, lines, etc.
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end]Labels InfoWindow
The Labels / InfoWindow property is designed to accept any dimension, which relates to the contents displayed inside of an InfoWindow (pop up label when a location is selected).
CMaps Analytics Designer provides control over the InfoWindow design, what contents are displayed inside.
Advanced InfoWindow
CMaps Analytics features an advanced InfoWindow pane, which can be enabled for most CMaps Analytics extensions.
[/ezcol_1third_end]CMaps Analytics currently does not support advanced infowindow for SAP Lumira due to SAP using a legacy version of JQuery. This will be resolved with a brand new Advanced InfoWindow coming with CMaps Analytics 2.1
Once a CMaps Analytics enabled visualization is created, it can be imported into any storyboard as a component. Drag and drop the visualization onto the canvas and resize to your needs.
Currently CMaps Analytics only supports one instance per storyboard page. You can have multiple CMaps visualizations in a single storyboard, but it needs to exist across multiple pages.
CMaps Analytics visualizations are designed to re-size dynamically to fit a number of screen resolutions and device form factors. SAP Lumira employs an approach for storyboards that scales the entire storyboard to fit the resolution. As such, there is currently a scaling issue that can impact map interactivity. The upcoming supported CMaps Analytics 2.1 for Lumira will include a fix that will allow CMaps to be scaled properly.
Publishing / Sharing
As of Lumira 1.28 server-side publishing is not supported for SDK Components. CMaps Analytics extension is supported and designed for Lumira 1.29, and allows you to publish to server environments. CMaps Analytics will be optimized for Lumira server publishing with CMaps Analytics API 2.1.