Preparing to mobilize your CMaps Plugin enabled dashboard

As you embark to mobilize your dashboards that include CMaps Plugin, you will need to first ensure your dashboard and the embedded components/ connectivity are compatible. When publishing your dashboard you first want to review the following best practice document to better understand data volume, Excel logic, connectivity, and design considerations:

  • No more than 30 resource consuming components
  • No more than 4000 cells of embedded data
  • No more than 2000 formulas
  • Sizing: By default, the resolution in landscape is 1024×768, and in portrait 768×1024.
  • Avoid array functions like SUM, countif, sumif, countif, index, match, hlookup, vlookup
  • Make sure you are using compatible components (use the build-in compatibility checker)

CMaps Plugin Differences between browser and mobile:

CMaps Plugin has functional and cosmetic differences as you migrate from desktop to mobile usage. The biggest and most visual difference is map providers. CMaps Plugin on mobile devices utilizes Google Maps as a base layer, and core JavaScript APIs. The benefit is pinch/zoom navigation, directions, and geocoding.

Almost every property where a mobile equivalent is possible is now technically supported for HTML5. However, the volume of bindings and complexity of interactions requires additional care, because various behaviors in Flash may not translate perfectly to HTML5.


The following is a specific list of properties that are not supported for mobile:

  • Behavior- Use SSL: A new feature specific to CMaps Plugin and TomTom integration, mobile HTTPS to Google Maps is currently not supported.
  • Behavior- Design Time Preview: Because there is no concept of design time preview for mobile, this feature is not required.
  • Behavior- Geocode Interval: For Google Maps and HTML5, the geocoding interval automatically managed.
  • Appearance- Enable Glass Style on InfoWindow: At this time, additional InfoWindow styling is not available.
  • Appearance-InfoWindow Gradient: Currently not supported.

Additional Mobile Properties

Mobile provides additional properties specifically designed for mobile mapping. From current location, to directions, you can utilize new features that help enrich the mobile experience.

Full List

Mobile Preview vs On-Device Testing for Performance

Performance benchmark testing is important during your development because a dashboard that previews inside Xcelsius may not perform similarly on an iPad. As such you want to test often as the complexity of your dashboard increases.