Working with Filter Types

Filtered Summary multiple text and value filter types to meet a wide range of functional requirements. Each column can contain unique filter types which can be applied to text and numeric characters.

Equals– Will filter and display data where the column data is an exact match to the filter value(s) contained in the Filter property.

“Equals” Filter Type Examples
Source Data Value Column Filter Cell Logic Result
Bob Bob True- Exact Match
Bob Bobby False- Not an exact match


Contains– Will Filter and display data when the column data contains the character strings contained in the Filter property. The contains filter type can be used to perform text searching within an Xcelsius dashboards.

“Equals” Filter Type Examples
Source Data Value Column Filter Cell Logic Result
Bobby Bobby True- Source Data does contain the characters “Bobby”
Bobby Bob True- Source Data does contain the characters “Bob”
Bobby B True- Source Data does contain the characters “B”
Bobby Bond False- Source Data does not contain the characters “Bond�

Not Equal– Will filter and display data where the column data is an exact match to the filter value(s) contained in the Filter property.

“Equals” Filter Type Examples
Source Data Value Column Filter Cell Logic Result
Bob Bob True- Exact Match
Bob Bobby False- Not an exact match

Greater than-Single value defined as a lower bound. Anything above this value is displayed.

“Equals” Filter Type Examples
Source Data Value Column Filter Cell Logic Result
1 5 True- 5>1
5 5 False- 5 NOT >5
10 5 False- 5 NOT >10

Less Than-Single value defined as an upper bbound. Anything below this value is displayed.

“Equals” Filter Type Examples
Source Data Value Column Filter Cell Logic Result
1 5 False- 5 NOT <1
5 5 False- 5 NOT <5
10 5 True- 5 < 10

Between- Defined as a comma seperated value where the first value is the lower bound and the second value is the upper bound.
Example: “4,80� will filter out any values below 40 and above 80.

“Equals” Filter Type Examples
Source Data Value Column Filter Cell Logic Result
1 2,10 False- 1<2
5 2,10 True- 5>2 and 5<10
10 2,10 True 10=10
20 2,10 False- 20>8