
The legend will display all series created within the map along with the icon type and color. If dynamic icon colors are enabled, the legend icon color will reflect the fist marker’s color within the range.

CMaps Analytics Legend control is intended to provide additional function beyond indicating the contents of each layer.


Legend Info


1. Show / Hide Layer Checkbox – The layer style icon when clicked will show / hide the map layer

2. Layer Name – Will use the layer name provided in CMaps Designer or via CMaps JS API

3. Expand Legend - Will expand or contract the legend.

4. Min Value - Clicking on the min value icon will go to the location on the map with the smallest value

5 Max Value - Clicking on the max value icon will go to the location on the map with the largest value

6 Quick Radius View- Will draw one or multiple radius bands around a select location or current location (requires approval by device to use geo-location) by miles or kilometers

7. Street View - Will display a Google Maps Street View for a selected location. This feature only appears for point-based layers.

8. Location Analysis- Will use the current viewable map to provide a statistical summary including but not limited to the total number of locations visible, the sum, average, min, max, and square mileage.

Location Analysis


Quick Radius View

Will draw one or multiple radius bands around a select location or current location (requires approval by device to use geo-location) by miles or kilometers
