Layer Type: Web Maps Service


Drive Time / Distance Polygons


WMS, or Web Map Service, is a standard protocol for serving geospatial images from a central WMS server.  These images, commonly referred to as map tiles, can then be overlaid on top of a map to add new dimensions of data.

A WMS server can have many different layers that represent these independent sets of data.  These layers can be selectively chosen and then combined by the WMS server to form a single, composite view of the data that is relevant to you and your customers.  You can think of these layers as separate panes of glass that have different map features drawn on them which can then be stacked on top of each other to compare and contrast different dimensions of data.

Where to Find WMS Layer Properties

wmsUnlike most layers, the WMS layer configuration properties exist in the appearance tab. To find the WMS configuration properties, create or open a WMS layer, navigate to the appearance tab, and then click on WMS.

Learn how to Configure WMS

When clicking on the WMS tab, open the CMaps Analytics help pane to view instructions for enabling a WMS service.

