Changing GMaps Mobile Connect URL

GMaps Connect Enterprise URL allows all data connectivity to flow from GMaps Mobile App and your own instance of GMaps Connect installed within your on-premise infrastructure. Be default, the GMaps Connect Enterprise URL points to a cloud instance hosted by Centigon Solutions for development and testing.  More about GMaps Connect

To connect to your own instance of SAP BusinessObjects, you will first install GMaps Mobile Connect.

Upon successful install of GMaps Connect, you will modify your GMaps Mobile URL to re-point traffic for end users to your on-premise system. The GMaps Connect URL enables administrators to have absolute control over environments for directing end users between development and production environments with no interruption.

To change your GMaps Connect


  1. Upon installing GMaps Mobile Connect log into GMaps Mobile Administration console at
  2. Navigate to the GMaps Mobile Account Tab
  3. Select the GMaps Mobile Account you would like to modify
  4. Click Edit
  5. Change the URL to the GMaps Connect server, proxy server URL that directs traffic to GMaps Mobile.
  6. Click Save