Advanced Web Service Options:
The advanced web service options are designed to give developers flexibility and control over the parameter values that are passed to their custom export service during export operations.
File Parameter Name
The File Parameter Name property may be changed if you are using an HTTP Service, to change the name of the File Parameter from its default, which is currently fileName as shown in the URL example below. This will change the value of the parameter name that is appended to the URL, enabling you to use a custom parameter name for this particular parameter in your custom HTTP Service.
i.e. http://…&fileName=exportFileNameValue;
File Path Parameter Name
The File Path Parameter Name property may be changed if you are using an HTTP Service, to change the name of the File Path Parameter from its default, which is currently filePath as shown in the URL example below. This will change the value of the parameter name that is appended to the URL, enabling you to use a custom parameter name for this particular parameter in your custom HTTP Service.
i.e. http://…&filePath=exportFilePathValue;
Content Parameter Name
The Content Parameter Name property may be changed if you are using an HTTP Service, to change the name of the Content Parameter from its default, which is currently content as shown in the URL example below. This will change the value of the parameter name that is appended to the URL, enabling you to use a custom parameter name for this particular parameter in your custom HTTP Service.
i.e. http://…& content=exportContent;
Service Method Parameter Name
The Service Method Parameter Name property may be changed if you are using a Web Service (NOT an HTTP Service), to change the name of the Web Service Method being called from its default, which is currently SaveCsv. If a custom web service method is being used, ensure that the 3 default properties mentioned in the Additional Parameters section below are being implemented in the order they have been specified.
Additional Parameters
The Additional Parameters property enables developers to append additional parameters and/or values for both HTTP and Web Service calls.
For HTTP Services, you may bind to a range of cells where each cell contains a comma-separated value equal to a parameter name and corresponding parameter value (name,value). These additional parameters will be appended to the URL used in the HTTP Service call using the name,value pairs assigned. Any number of additional parameters can be used.
For Web Services, you may bind to a range of cells where each cell contains an additional parameter value to be passed to the web service. The following 3 values will ALWAYS be sent as the first 3 parameter values and must be implemented for any Web Service being used. All additional parameters will follow the first 3 and will be sent in the order that they have been specified.
Export File Path
Export File Name