Approve your Domains for Use:
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[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Symptom and Explanation
As an additional security measure we require our customers to whitelist domains they would like to approve for use with Cmaps Analytics. This ensures, unauthorized use of your maps and CMaps Analytics APIs are not abused.
When using the free Google Maps API without a key you will get the following error:
“Oops! Something went wrong. This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the Javascript Console for Technical details.”
Q: What is this requirement for?
A: This is to ensure there is no unauthorized use of your CMaps Analytics license and to grant access for use with enterprise maps services like Google Maps. This is a one-time setup the first time you use CMaps Analytics.
Q: Does this grant access to my server or pose a security threat?
A: This only permits your end users to connect and load map tiles and geocodes from CMaps Analytics and enterprise services