CMaps Analytics Designer Security Guide

CMaps Analytics Designer requires internet connectivity to load, edit and create maps in a cloud-based designer. Additionally CMaps Analytics uses Google Maps APIs (Javascript API V3). To ensure maximum security of your organization’s data, CMaps Analytics does not send or persist any business data to CMaps Analytics servers.  CMaps Analytics does not require additional ports or tunneling to successfully communicate with CMaps Analytics Javascript APIs or Google Maps APIs and does support HTTPS for added security (see HTTPS Support below).

CMaps Analytics Connectivity to Google Maps

CMaps Analytics, does not require any middleware or server-side software to operate. All customer data (map layers) rendered inside of a Google Map occur on an end user’s PC. The SWF file and embedded map is stateless and will only communicate with Google Maps APIs upon user interaction. When the SWF file is closed all data is cleared from the local system memory and any data transacted to the Google Service during the session is also not persisted.

License Validation to Centigon Cloud

CMaps Designer uses a public key property to validate a component’s license. Upon dashboard initialization, CMaps Plugin will send an authentication key to Centigon license service along with the version #, and domain to ensure the license is valid. This transaction occurs asynchronously with connectivity to TomTom APIs to ensure there is never any delay in performance or interference with user experience. This request also occurs via HTTPS to ensure security of key data. No data from the map or dashboard is ever transacted to the license validation service.

Data Transacted to Google Maps

The only information that CMaps Analytics transacts to the Google Maps API during application  runtime is the API key, CentigonID, or ClientID, zoom level, pan-to location, map style (satellite, etc) and region/address data points that need to be geocoded during runtime. In return Google Maps API will return the necessary image tiles to draw mapping imagery. Excluding other specific integrations to Google services like Google Earch Builder, no data is ever transacted to Google.

Displaying Data

CMaps Analytics contains all of the code required to render latitude/longitude data, data icons, tool tips, info windows, labels, polygons, lines, routes, heatmaps, and other metadata that is displayed to the end user. All of the content from CMaps Analytics is rendered locally on the end user’s computer, secured behind your firewall and other security measures. CMaps Analytics supports HTTPS sites for organizations that build content that is accessible outside of the corporate firewall.

At no time will CMaps Analytics transact any data bound to the following Map Properties.

  • Series Name
  • Labels
  • Values
  • Data Insertion
  • Shapefile definitions
  • Icon Style or color definitions

Geocoding Exception

While CMaps Analytics is configured to interpret and render latitude,longitude data to render data, it is not capable of converting addresses locally.

CMaps Analytics Properties that are transacted to the Google Maps API services
The following are the only properties where linked data is transacted to the Google Maps API

  • License Key (GMaps Plugin Bundle Only)- The license and CMaps Analytics generated authentication key is passed to Google Maps API to flag your page views. These keys identify your organization anonymously.
  • Address Data- Address data property will only transact data when it is NOT latitude,longitude data. (See geocoding exception above)
  • Pan-to Property- When using the pan to property, CMaps Analytics will send this single property to the Google Maps server so the map can obtain the correct map tile imagery.
  • Zoom Level Property- When using the zoom property, CMaps Analytics will send this single numeric value to the Google Maps server so the map can obtain the correct map tile imagery based on the zoom level.
  • Standard Map Controls- Google Maps includes standard controls for zooming, panning, and changing the map type.